Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday, March 19th: Language of Editing and Project Selection

As we narrow in on our final project ideas, it's important to remember that as important as the technical skills we've learned are, nothing is more important than the meaning, emotion, and intention behind your choices as an artist.

We've discussed these ideas a lot - especially in the context of the story ideas and how we shoot those ideas.  Of equal importance is the way we move through our choices in the edit.  The edit is where the choices we've made all along become real - and the edit has the power to really improve the story, or to ruin it completely.

The editor's job is to use the words and images that have been created previously and use the cuts to convey the emotional impact that the director has been seeking all along.  In pre-production there is a very specific relationship between the writer and then the director.  In production, the DP works to help realize the director's vision as it pertains to shots, movement, and lighting.  And in post, it is the job of the editor to make everything work in harmony to actually sew it all into something tangible.  Before the editor there is literally just a pile of choices - after the edit there is a movie.

Let's look at some scenes from 'The Cutting Edge' and discuss:

Think as well about how this influences documentary.  Let's look at some BAVC student work that emphasizes the edit choice.

Think about the role not only of the image but of sound.  Some of the worst documentaries are too focused on talking heads footage - yet sometimes cutting to the person who is speaking is the most effective choice.  Think about the power of the edit as you look at work and also as you plan your own.

Speaking of planning your own!  We have a TON of wonderful project ideas that came out of last week's brainstorm, but we have to select what we can actually pull off.  So, here's where we've landed:

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