Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14th - Project Brainstorm and Pitches

At this point, we've dipped into each of the main areas of filmmaking.  We've talked about taking an initial idea and using various tools to develop that into a story, and if it's a narrative, write a script.  We've talked about the process of planning through organizing your equipment and people, your visual ideas: shot lists and storyboards, and if you're working in documentary spending time with your subject and finding the most compelling angles.

We've overviewed the basics of production, from camera operation to sound and lighting.  You should know how to plan and execute shots, thinking consciously about what effect different angles, focus, and movement will have on your final product.  We've talked sound capture and sound design, as well as lighting technique and set up.

And we've dipped into editing in Final Cut.  Taking that footage and ingesting it into the computer, labeling, organizing, and laying down a cut.  And most importantly you all have been exemplary in your exploration of conscious storytelling and critical thinking about portrayals of subject/character, story, and the ways in which all of these technical tools influence a viewers experience.

Now it's time to put all of this into action.  Spend today brainstorming things that are important to you, stories that are interesting, and considering what is realistic as a first project.  Remember, we're keeping things pretty short (5-7 min) and we'll be moving pretty quickly.  I'm not expecting an epic feature film, in fact, I'm not even considering that.  Rather, see what you can do simply that will be even more powerful.

Some ideas:

1). Prepare a pitch for a project that tells a story very personal to you.  This could be a biographical kind of story about your own life or the life of someone close to you.

2). Prepare a pitch for a project that tells a story important to your community.  This could be an issue you care about, an organization you respect, or an individual who's life you admire.

3). Prepare a pitch for something that pushes back against mainstream media tactics.  This could be a fake-commercial that mocks advertising techniques, or a short PSA that addresses issues you think are relevant (portrayals of women/girls, violence, etc.)

4). Something else entirely your own...

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